Abbey Elakodical

Abbey Elakodical

Electrical Designer
Personal Mantra"You only got one life so do it all"
8 years experience
8 years experience
Abbey received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2017 from the University of Texas at Austin.
Values that drive me
Values that drive me
Loyalty, Respect
Los Angeles, California
Bucket List
Bucket List
  1. Dive the Great Barrier Reef
  2. Visit all 7 continents
  3. Go skydiving

We asked Abbey...

If I weren't so good at my job, I'd probably be...In reality an Investment Banker, fictionally an NBA player.
If you really know me, you'd know...I am a huge Lebron James fan.
What is the best advice you can give someone who just started their career?Ask questions, work hard, and be dedicated.