Austin McRight

Austin McRight


As a Superintendent, Austin is responsible for coordinating and planning construction projects with safety as a priority, followed by producing a high-quality project to deliver to the client. He works primarily in the Aerospace & Defense and Industrial Manufacturing markets. Mr. McRight is responsible for the relationship with the client while the project is active and is there to ensure that we meet the client's expectations.

Personal MantraTrust and respect are given until you prove me wrong.
9 years experience
9 years experience
Values that drive me
Values that drive me
Respect, Loyalty, Honesty, Consistency
Jacksonville, TX
Favorite Charity
Favorite Charity
Autism Speaks because I have a close friend who has a daughter with autism and I've seen the struggles, but also the love that comes with having a special needs child
Bucket List
Bucket List
  1. Skydiving
  2. Real rock climbing
  3. Christmas in a log cabin somewhere in the mountains

We asked Austin...

If I weren't so good at my job, I'd probably be...Working as a mechanic because it is a hobby that has been passed down in my family.
What is the accomplishment of which you're most proud?I am proud of being independent and providing for not only myself, but my family as well, since I was 17 years old.
What is a problem in the Engineering & Construction Industry you'd like to fix?I believe the relationship between the site personnel and the end-user client needs to be strengthened throughout the construction process. If there is not a good foundation relationship, then the client's needs may not be met.
What are you most passionate about personally? Professionally?My daughter. It sounds corny, but everything I try to do is to see her grow up in a good and happy home. I am passionate about just doing a good job and having quality, respectable work to my name.
If you really know me, you'd know...I am a very selfless person when it comes to my friends and family.

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