John Hero

John Hero

Business Development Director
Personal MantraSir Edward Murphy once said, “Free your mind and your *ss will follow.” This speaks to care-free optimism and the importance of a sense of humor. It’ll all work out.
35 years experience
35 years experience
John received a degree in Speech Communications from the University of Minnesota.
Values that drive me
Values that drive me
Humor, Kindness, Punctuality, Commitment, Honesty
Prior Lake, Minnesota
Bucket List
Bucket List
  1. Take a month off and tour Southeast Asia in flip flops with stops in Australia and New Zealand.
  2. Run a 10K – it’s been a long time since my marathon days. Might drive it instead.
  3. Travel Finland. Need to confirm the old saying from my Dad, “You can always tell a Finn, but you can’t tell him much!”

We asked John...

What is your favorite family tradition?The entire extended family goes to my parent's cabin near Hayward, Wisconsin, on the 4th of July. With seven kids, it’s pure chaos in 1400 square feet, so I’m always outside on the deck admiring the view of the lake and woods. My mom will bring out food for me. 😉
Who or what inspired you to pursue this career?Like many builders, I started with a fascination with Legos. In my early college years, I worked for a Finnish carpenter (Finnish as in Finland!). We built a lot of saunas and decks. I love the smell of Western Red Cedar and admittedly always walk by the cedar at Home Depot to reminisce about past projects.
What are you happiest doing when you're not working?I enjoy working in the yard. We’re on an acre and I’m slowly renovating our landscape. I’m skilled with a shovel but have a difficult time choosing plants (which is supposed to be the fun part). It might be another decade before I finish.
Why did you choose C1S?I was easily sold on the company's huge potential for growth. I had never encountered another firm with the diversity of service offerings that we do as builders (I might be builder-biased). C1S is an ambidextrous project delivery company, which is an incredible differentiator in one of the hottest construction markets in the nation. Ahead lies a bright future.