Matthew Strong

Matthew Strong


As the President and Director of Engineering for C1S, Matt is responsible for creating and executing the strategy to help grow the company. He works to keep the ship going in the right direction, at the right speed, with the correct number of oars and the fewest holes. Matt also serves as a Project Executive on special projects that require his cleanroom experience. Mr. Strong believes "the true sign of a great engineer is how well his design functions once built."

Personal MantraDare Greatly!
35 years experience
35 years experience
Matthew earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Texas in Austin and received a Master of Business Administration degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
Values that drive me
Values that drive me
Honesty, Integrity
Lubbock, Texas
Bucket List
Bucket List
  1. IM Hawaii
  2. Buy a 4x4 Van and travel to every National Park
  3. Attend the World Series and the NBA Finals in the same year with the Rangers and the Mavs

We asked Matthew...

What is a problem in the Engineering & Construction Industry you'd like to fix?Safety is our number one core value and for a reason, we want everyone to go home to their family safely every day. The elimination of work place injury is a goal that we have been very successful at but we can never get complacent. Always have your eye open for a potentially dangerous situation.
What are you most passionate about personally? Professionally?Personally - I want to be a great husband to my wife Julie and help my two sons Jack and Sam grow into smart, thoughtful, caring, and productive members of an exciting future. Professionally - Technology – We live in an incredible time. This is like at the beginning of the Internet in 1999. So much will change in all aspects of our lives and the speed of change will be even more so with the COVID Pandemic. Thanks to new technology, over the next ten years we will bring billions of new highly creative minds that would be otherwise living in abject poverty to mainstream society with healthy, productive, participative lives. The world will truly be a better place.
If you really know me, you'd know...I am … really pretty funny, really. I’m not kidding, but don’t ask my kids.
If I weren't so good at my job, I'd probably be...A Weather Man (like Ron Burgandy) or concert pianist (not like Libarace).
What is the accomplishment of which you're most proud?I am most proud of the 20 years that C1S has been in business. We are providing rewarding and challenging careers for our employees while working with some of the leading companies in the world. The Outside magazine recognition as Best Place to Work is testimony to what we have been able to accomplish on an annual basis. The Outside survey is based upon confidential employee feedback and we use that information to make decisions on how to run our business. C1S is nothing without our great employees.
What are you happiest doing when you're not working?Traveling with my family!