Victoria Butcher

Victoria Butcher


Victoria Butcher is a construction estimator. Her education and work experience has equipped her with the technical skills and knowledge to produce accurate cost estimates for construction projects of varying scopes and sizes. Victoria has a keen eye for detail and a solid ability to analyze data, enabling her to develop precise and comprehensive estimates that reflect the actual cost of a project. Additionally, her experience as a field engineer has given her a practical understanding of the construction process, allowing her to identify potential challenges and opportunities for cost savings early in the project lifecycle.

Personal MantraIs there a better way to do it?
5 years experience
5 years experience
Victoria received a degree in Industrial Engineering in 2018 from The University of Texas at Arlington.
Values that drive me
Values that drive me
Grit, Integrity
Dallas, Texas

We asked Victoria...

What is a problem in the Engineering & Construction Industry you'd like to fix?The disconnect between Estimating-Engineering-Construction during a project. Having worked with all the disciplines, a pain point is always how each group can approach the same job from a different mindset and background. I aim to use my experience with the different disciplines to help me be a better communicator and facilitator to help get the job done...and done right.
If I weren't so good at my job, I'd probably be...Crafting in my forge and workshop, creating unique pieces.