Brooke Holley

Brooke Holley

Plumbing/Process Designer

Brooke is a Mechanical and Plumbing Designer for C1S. She is responsible for overseeing all of the plumbing design on all of the C1S projects. Brooke also manages the Revit/BIM integration with our design team. She oversees the creation of Revit models and BIM checks on all projects.

Personal MantraOnce you've mastered the art of accepting things for what they are, life gets easier. She designed a life that she loved.
23 years experience
23 years experience
Brooke received her training from The Star Training Institute where she received a Technical Degree in 2002. In 2018 she earned a Plumbing Design Certificate from ASPE.
Values that drive me
Values that drive me
Accountability, Work life balance, Communication
Pryor, OK
Favorite Charity
Favorite Charity
Scottish Rite Hospital
Bucket List
Bucket List
  1. Travel Europe
  2. Skydiving

We asked Brooke...

What is a problem in the Engineering & Construction Industry you'd like to fix?I think more people should have an understanding of the values and complexities of the different roles and functions that it takes to get a project from concept to completion.
What are you most passionate about personally? Professionally?Personally - outside of enjoying experiences with family and friends, I have developed a passion for personal fashion and the self-confindence it can bring. Professionally - Developing a well thought out/coordinated design to exceed client expectations.
What is the accomplishment of which you're most proud?Earning a reputation for consistency, reliability and quality in my projects throughout my career
What are you happiest doing when you're not working?Traveling with my hubby.
If I weren't so good at my job, I'd probably Engineer
If you really know me, you'd know...I like structure with work and no structure with vacation