The Road to C1S-Mechanical Designer, Brooke Holley

Ask ten C1S employees about the journey that led them to our team, and you’re sure to get ten different answers. Some went the more traditional route, getting their engineering degrees and finding us through a career fair. Others began their professional lives serving our country and gaining some valuable skills along the way before C1S came calling.
Then there’s mechanical designer, Brooke Holley.
“I started out working in the ductile iron industry up in Northeast Oklahoma,” said Brooke. “But when the foundry closed and moved its business to Mexico, I realized I needed to pursue a different career.”
The pursuit led Brooke to a computer aided design and drafting (CADD) school and almost immediately upon earning her certification, job offers in the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) consulting industry. After accepting a job in the DFW area, Brooke was given the opportunity to work with a mentor and learn mechanical design.
“Mechanical design was a great fit because it requires incredible attention to detail and allows me to question why certain things are done the way they are,” said Brooke. “I have always loved challenging the status quo and working to find new solutions.”
Brooke’s next professional obstacle came in 2008 with the downturn of the economy, which forced her company to layoff several employees. Seeing her company needed help in plumbing design, she saw this as an opportunity to take on additional training and make herself even more valuable.
As it turns out, engineering and construction firms all over the country have a need for people with experience in plumbing design.
“Most MEP consulting firms have small plumbing departments,” said Brooke. “Being able to show I have some background in this discipline brings value.”
For the next few years, Brooke worked for several companies searching for the right fit. She was looking for a place that invested in her professionally, but also promoted the work-life balance she needed after remarrying and becoming a mother of five.
At the same time, C1S was looking for a mechanical designer. All signs pointed to Brooke, who was recommended by Derek Michel, a team member who had worked with her previously.
“Brooke had a reputation for being someone that always goes the extra mile,” said Julie Strong, CEO of C1S. “We had a lot of important deadlines coming up and needed someone who could jump right in and make an immediate impact. Brooke is exactly what we were looking for.”
It hasn’t taken long for Brooke to get her feet wet at C1S. Since joining the team in June, she has already been actively involved with clients including Frito Lay and Raytheon. She has also taken advantage of the outside training offered in Revit Building Information Modeling and is taking her experience in plumbing design a step further, earning additional certification.
Her work ethic and attention to detail was recognized instantly when in September, she received the company’s “Walk Your Talk” quarterly award.
“Two walkie talkies on a wooden board,” Brooke said. “It’s definitely one of the more unique trophies I have ever seen, but it meant a lot to be recognized by my friends.”
And while C1S shares its love and appreciation for Brooke, she assures us the feeling is mutual.
“I’ve worked for a lot of companies, but never one that encourages you to spend time with your co-workers as much as C1S does,” said Brooke. “It makes a huge difference when your family gets the opportunity to spend time with the people you work with. It helps them understand what I do each day so much more.”